23-27 September 2020, Syros island, Greece
TranSYS partner Golden Helix are pleased to announce their 2020 Summer School will be held in the island of Syros, Greece this September.
The theme for 2020 is “Genomics into Medicine: How YOU do it“. The aim is to familiarize and educate participants with the basic and advanced concepts for applying genomic science into medicine. The School uses structured learning on the methods to be applied to genomic science. Trainees will experience active learning through teamworking and intense hands-on training. This will provide the skills to conduct rigorous, reproducible, science. Support will be on hand from experienced School Faculty and Coaches.
The 2020 Golden Helix Summer School themes will be delivered in two tiers, namely:
(A) Advanced, aimed for doctoral candidates, post-doctoral scientists and possibly fellows and junior faculty members, and
(B) Basic, aimed for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Registration and abstract submission deadline: 5 July 2020
Further information is on the website, here.