TranSYS Marie Curie fellows presented at BioSB 2022

TranSYS fellows Maryna Korshevniuk (UMCG) and Sonja Katz (LifeGlimmer GmbH) were selected as oral presenters at the BioSB 2022 conference taking place from 27th-28th of June in Lunteren (The Netherlands).

The Dutch Bioinformatics & Systems Biology conference (BioSB) discusses the latest developments in bioinformatics, systems and computational biology and interrelated disciplines, and their wide-ranging applications in life sciences & health, agriculture, food & nutrition.

With this year’s heavy focus on single cell genomics, Maryna’s work titled “Optimizing summary statistic integration for single-cell analyses” was a perfect fit for the “Single cell methods & applications” session. In her project, Marnya explored and compared different federated weighted meta-analysis (WMA) approaches across scRNA-seq datasets in order to robustly identify cell-type specific eQTLs.

The session “Multi-omics deep-nets” accommodated presentations covering the growing efforts in applying deep learning algorithms to better interpret omics-derived data. With her project “methAE: an interpretable autoencoder for methylation data” Sonja presented her work proposing a deep unsupervised autoencoder for interpretable dimensionality reduction of methylation data.

We were incredibly grateful to have been given the opportunity to present at such an insightful event and want to thank all of the organizers of BioSB 2022. See you next year at BioSB 2023!

Full abstracts can be found in the BioSB 2022 abstract book at



Author: Sonja Katz

ESR15: Developing and demonstrating data mining and A.I. tools to better understand patient heterogeneity and assist patient stratification