Henning Hermjakob
Head of Molecular Systems
European Bioinformatics Institute
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL-EBI)
Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK
Monday 23rd November 2020 14.00 CET
Reproducibility in Systems Biology Modelling — Sometimes
Abstract: In the context of the BioModels database of mathematical models of biological systems, we have systematically attempted to reproduce 455 kinetic models published in peer-reviewed research articles from 152 journals. About half (49%) of the models could not be reproduced using the information provided in the published manuscripts. With further effort, an additional 12% of the models could be reproduced either by empirical correction or support from authors. We will describe the study and discuss suggestions for improvement at individual and community level.
Key reference:
Tiwari K, Kananathan S, Roberts MG, et al. Reproducibility in systems biology modelling. bioRxiv; 2020. DOI: 10.1101/2020.08.07.239855.
Henning Hermjakob obtained his MSc in Bioinformatics from the University of Bielefeld, Germany, in 1996. He joined the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) in 1997. He leads the Molecular Systems Cluster at the EBI, and 2015-2019 had joint appointment as Director of Bioinformatics at the National Center for Protein Sciences, Beijing. His team provides a broad portfolio of resources for systems biology, ranging from molecular interactions (IntAct) and curated pathways (Reactome) to systems biology models (BioModels) at the highest level of abstraction. As founding member and SC member of the HUPO Proteomics Standards Initiative, and SAB member in systems and translational molecular biology projects, he contributes to the international standardization of data representation in molecular biology, and the implementation of community standards in high availability, stable public resources. Full bibliography at https://tinyurl.com/hhepub.